Our local community is an important part of the beach houses DNA. Through our community both locally and internationally, we have been able to bring together this exciting fundraising event.
Our Brighton Beach House will host an extensive collection of art donated by the YHA hostel group for the auction. We are excited to curate this generous donation in our 4th Collective Series event - Charity Art Auction. Our local surf lifesaving club, located across from the beach house is Waimairi and we are proud to support their great work as the benefactors of the auction.
On 29th July 2023 at 6pm-8pm we will be holding both silent and live auctions on more than 30 pieces of art. All proceeds of the art auction will go to Waimairi Surf Lifesaving Club.
The night will be a warm, fun and lively evening, with live music by Lissel and complimentary nibbles from the brighton beach house kitchen.
Numbers will be limited so bookings to this event will be essential.
